Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tue Oct 21 - "Modeling Acceleration" Blog Post

Find a picture of a model of acceleration online. Provide the link to the model and explain how it shows acceleration.  Is it a good model? How can you tell the difference between different accelerations with this model?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Mon Oct 20 - "Acceleration" Blog Post

A sports car and a school bus are stopped at a traffic light.  Use your physics vocabulary words (correctly) to completely explain the differences and similarities of the motion of these two vehicles as each goes from a stop to the speed limit of 30 mph.  Also describe the differences and similarities as they stop at the next red light.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thu Oct 9 - "GUESS Method" Blog Post

List the 5 steps of the GUESS Method. On each step explain it in your own words and describe what you used to do for this part when doing a written response question.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wed Oct 8 - "Speed & Velocity" Blog Post

Write your own definition of speed and velocity, highlighting the difference between the two. Describe an example of both average velocity and instantaneous velocity in your own life (not one covered in class)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tue Oct 7 - “Distance vs. Time Graphs” Blog Post

Describe what we did in class today and explain why you think these graphs would be necessary in our science class.