Wednesday, December 10, 2014

“Mu - Friction” Blog Post

Today we learned how to calculate the Coefficient of Friction (mu). Explain why you think friction happens, and name another surface that you think would have an even bigger value of μ with your shoe.  Be sure to explain your choice in your blog post.

Monday, December 8, 2014

"Another Planet" Blog Post

You have landed on another planet that you live and breathe on (just like Earth!), but it is TWICE as big as Earth.  Create a blog post naming and describing your planet.  In this description, be sure to include a comparison and contrast to the gravity that we have here on earth.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

"Outer Space" Blog Post

You just to a space ship to outer space!  Explain why you were chosen for this expedition, and how your weight feels different in the spacecraft when you are taking off, when you are floating through space, and when you land on the moon.