Tuesday, February 24, 2015

“No Wires World” Blog Post

You live in a world where electricity doesn’t need to flow through wires to light things up or make things work.  Write a paragraph explaining what you would name this world, EXPLAIN one cool thing you could do with electricity without wires, and EXPLAIN one crazy or horrible thing that could happen with electricity floating everywhere.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"Electricity So Far" Blog Post

Write and complete the following sentences:
  • Electricity is...
  • So far I learned...
  • Electricity is ---- because ----
  • I'm still confused about...
  • I'm getting better at ...
  • I have a question about....

"Electric Vocabulary" Blog Post

Write a short paragraph summarizing what you know about electricity so far. Be sure to use at least 6 of your vocabulary words that we have gotten so far: conductor,  insulator,  positive,  attract,  proton,  electron,  neutron,  negative,  repel and static electricity.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

“Van de Graff” Blog Post

Today we played with a Van de Graff Generator.  Describe what the generator did (what you saw) and why it did it (the physics behind it).  For an extra point, come up with something that you would like to test on the Van de Graff Generator and explain what you think it would do! (The best ones may get to test it!)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

"Insulators & Conductors" Blog Post

Think about your day and describe one  conductor and one insulator that you came in contact with.  For each one explain how you know it was an insulator (or conductor) and how it is different from the other item.